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Appointment Information

We can offer comprehensive allergy testing, diagnosis and treatment for all forms of allergy in Cape Town and Southern Africa.

We now offer full face-to-face allergy consultative services and appointments at our Cape Town clinic. But can still offer Virtual Online Consultations throughout the country which work very well for patients who cannot travel to Cape Town and we then arrange allergy blood tests at local Pathologists.

allergy appointments cape town


  • The average consultation online or face-to-face is 40 to 60 minutes long.
  • Don?t take any antihistamine medication for 2 to 3 days before your skin prick testing in Cape Town, but continue if you are having a blood test.
  • We see all ages from children through to the elderly. Infants can be accurately allergy tested if over 4 months of age (testing earlier is less accurate).
  • A referral letter from your GP may be helpful but not essential.
  • Supply results of any previous allergy blood tests done and photographs of any reactions (on your cellphone). You may email us results or photos.
  • We protect and do not pass your personal information to anyone without your permission and strictly subscribe to the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act (Act 4 of 2013).
  • Privacy Policy: All information provided by a patient, parent or legal guardian to the Allergy Clinic, which includes any medical or clinical information provided by their referring GP, and the results of any medical tests carried out by Allergy Clinic, will always remain confidential and not be shared with any other person or organisation outside of the Allergy Clinic, unless authorised specifically by the patient, parent or legal guardian.

Your Allergy Consultation

  • The consultation includes an allergy, personal medical and social history discussion.
  • You will have a physical examination during a face-to-face meeting.
  • In Cape Town, we offer skin prick tests using a selection of test allergens tailored to your allergy symptoms. These tests are individualised to your specific clinical presentation. Blood tests are also available.
  • With online consultations we can initiate a wide repertoire of allergy blood tests that can be arranged at a laboratory close to where you live.
  • You will be issued an allergy treatment plan to deal with your allergy and this usually includes avoidance measures, symptom treatment as well as preventer and reliever medication.
  • The allergy blood or RAST allergy tests can be undertaken at any Ampath, Pathcare or Lancet Medical Aid accredited private Pathology Laboratory they will undertake these tests on your blood sample.
  • You don’t usually need a follow up consultation, but if there isn’t a good response to treatment, we would recommend a follow up consultation after 4 to 6 weeks of treatment.

Skin Test Procedure (Cape Town)

  • In Cape Town, we perform Skin Prick Testing at the initial consultation using extracts of the suspected allergens.
  • Then tests are done at the consultation and are included in the R2600 consultation fee and the test costs should be reclaimable from your Medical Aid Society.
  • Skin Prick Tests are done by applying a drop of specific allergen to the skin of the forearm. The skin is then gently pricked with a sterile lancet allowing some allergen to penetrate the skin.
  • The skin reaction is evaluated after 10 to 15 minutes and a positive test result is indicated by a weal reaction of between 3 to 10mm in diameter.
  • We have over 30 test allergens and mixes to choose from, and these are tailored to your symptoms. About 10 to 15 specific allergens or mixes are tested during each consultation.These may include house dust mite, cat dander, dog dander, tree pollen, domestic grass pollen, indigenous grass pollen, mould spores, flower and weed pollens as well as foods such as cow?s milk proteins, egg, wheat flour, oats, barley, corn and gluten, soy, fish and shellfish, peanut and tree nuts and yeast as well as a number of other possible foods allergens including tomato, citrus, spices and cocoa.
  • A positive histamine test is also use as a quality control test.
  • These tests are very safe and do not result in any adverse reaction or side-effect. With children, we encourage another adult to be present to help entertain them during the testing. These tests are well tolerated even by infants.
  • If you suspect a rare or exotic foodstuff as a cause for your allergy, then please bring a small amount of the fresh product with you to the consultation.

Cape Town Fees (face-to-face) & Online Fees

Initial Face-to-Face consultation: R2600.00

  • The all-inclusive face-to-face consultation fee for your initial consultation and including skin prick allergy tests is R2600.00
  • This includes the discussion, physical examination, allergy skin tests and treatment plan.

Initial Online: R2000.00 and Follow-up consultation: R1500.00

  • Initial Online consultation fee of R2000.00 includes one further online follow-up meeting to discuss any test results and adapt management plan.
  • Thereafter follow up consultations will be charged at R1500.00 and last 30 minutes.
  • This consultation includes diagnosis review and may involve additional allergen testing. But if further blood tests are needed these will be invoiced separately by Pathcare, Ampath or Lancet Pathology Laboratories.

Payment terms: Important so please read carefully.

  • In Cape Town we accept credit and debit cards as well as cash but no personal cheques.
  • Your consultation fee must be settled in full at the time of your consultation.
  • We do not deal directly with any Medical Aid Societies. You will therefore need to settle your account on the day and use your receipted bill to claim reimbursement from your medical aid.

Cape Town Appointments (face-to-face)

35 Finsbury Avenue, Newlands
Cape Town, 7700

(Travelling from Cape Town, turn off M3 into Newlands Avenue, then first right into Ravensburg Avenue, then 3rd left into Finsbury Avenue. Number 35 is situated at the far end of Finsbury Avenue (residential house with pink wall)

Face-to-Face appointments Wednesdays and Thursdays. But Tuesday’s are reserved for Virtual Online consultations

Book an appointment:
Virtual Online Appointment
Tel: 0838426714 for all appointment enquiries nationwide.

All Southern African Online Appointments

Online Zoom, Skype, Face Time, WhatsApp meetings.
We offer a range of online options to manage and diagnose allergies, making use of a wide range of national Pathology laboratories in our network.

Tuesday all day availability for online Zoom consultations

Book an appointment:
Virtual Online Consultations
Fax: 086 621 8927

Important notice:

No face-to-face consultations are available in Johannesburg, Durban or any centre other than Cape Town

Medical Aid Procedure Codes

  • Dr Adrian Morris Specialist Practice Number is 015000 0640549
  • Health Professions Council of SA number MP 0274500
  • Initial medical consultation code: 0191
  • Skin prick tests with 10 to 15 allergens, code per allergen 0220 and 0218
  • Lung function: Peak expiratory flow 1192 and Forced expirogram 1189
  • ICD 10 code includes J30.3

Banking Details for Allergy Clinic

Standard Bank Claremont
Dr AJ Morris Practice
Account: 07186 4652
Branch code 02 51 09

Choose an appointment

Cape Town Face-to-Face

Southern Africa Online

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